Dating Tips For Lesbian Women

If you’re having trouble deciding where to go or what to do, here are some dating tips that might just help:

Cell Phone Fun

If you have a cell phone, and a crush on someone, drive to their house when you know they’re home, and call her on your cell. (Make sure you have her on the phone before you get there!) Start a casual conversation, then pull up to their driveway, go to the front door and ring the bell. Then say, “Oops! Better answer your door!” When they answer the door say, “Hi! Wanna go do something?”

First Date Help

Here’s a little idea to set the mood on a first date. Before going to the house buy a single red rose, and keep it on the passenger seat. When you pick her up, leave the rose there and on your way out, open the door. This is almost guaranteed to get you a hug if not a kiss, right when the date starts, setting the mood.

It Doesn’t Take Much To Be A Romantic!

Try to remind her about your first date – did you go to a restaurant? Send a napkin from that restaurant. Did you go to the beach? Send some sand or a shell. You get the idea, and they will love it.

Make Her Head Spin

Grab her by the shirt, or tie, and give her a nice long passionate kiss. She won’t forget it.

Special Homepage

Build her a website. Scan a picture of you and her together and add some romantic words. Then print it out and present it to her.

Surprise Phone Call

Cell phones come in really handy these days. Try this if you have a cell phone, or you can use a payphone. While you are out with your date, excuse yourself, and get out of your dates view. Call their number and leave a very romantic message – something like, “I’m here with you now and you are wonderful.”

Here Are Some Possible Destinations For Your Date:

Zoo, restaurant, beach, movies, picnic at the park, mountains, sporting events, bowling, concert, live theater, opera, ballet, Jacuzzi, micro-brewery, carnival or fair, theme park, museum, flower gardens, winery, billiards, horseback riding, or kite flying. If the two of you have a similar interest, find an event or exhibition pertaining to that interest to enjoy together. Another good date might involve doing something neither of you have ever done before.

Here are some tips on how to keep the romance in your relationship:

100 Reasons

Write on paper every single reason that you can think of why you love her. Try to come up with at least 100.

2 Truths and a Lie

On your first date, tell your partner three things, make one of them a lie. Then let her spend the rest of the evening asking questions to figure out which one isn’t true. It’s really fun and a great way to get to know each other.

A Gesture Every Day

Don’t let a day go by without letting your partner know you’re thinking about her. A short note written on a post-it is simple and let’s her know how you feel.

A Sweet Dream

Tell her “Sweet dreams.” before you hang up the phone. It does wonders.

A Time To Hold

The best thing to do is to fall asleep in someone’s arms and to wake up there knowing that you were held all night long by someone you love… It doesn’t have to be anything beyond cuddling.

A Cheap Date

Pack a picnic basket and head to the closest rest stop. You won’t believe how romantic and memorable this can be.

A Touch Is Worth A Thousand Words

Caress, cuddle and massage your way into your partner’s heart.

Act Like A Kid Again

It is fun to act like a kid again, you and your mate can go for a walk to the park after dark, or go to an indoor amusement park and have a blast.

I Love You Too

Don’t forget the words do have meaning, let your partner know you love her.

I’d Like To Have…

Pick one day a week to call your partner and ask her what she would like you to bring home, ie: hugs, kisses, or even a massage.

It’s The Little Things

A little token or two to show how much you care is always appreciated. If he’s sick, bring her hot soup. If he’s upset, bring her flowers… spend some time with her.

Just The Two Of Us

Take your loved one to a place away from the hustle and bustle of town life. Take a blanket and place it under the trees lie and cuddle the entire afternoon and then watch the moon rise from behind a mountain, and remember how special the person you are with is!

Kiss A Day

Kiss your life partner daily before you go to sleep even if your terms not good. If you are unable to kiss today tomorrow you give two.

Notebook of Ideas

If you don’t have the time or energy to try all of these things, then make a note of your favorites, and keep up the notebook by writing some of your own. Refer back to this notebook when you have the time.

Open Your Heart

Often the greatest way to show your love is by giving someone your trust. Open up and tell your mate something about you that no one else knows. It’s a sure fire way to let her know how special they are and how much they mean to you.

Pampering Your Partner

Every day, one of you can do something to pamper the other one. Facials, pedicures, massages, a hot meal, a bath… it doesn’t matter!!! It will keep you close and you will find it very relaxing to take care of each other. Give it a try…it does wonders in the bedroom too!

Pay Attention

The best way that I have found to show that you love that person is to pay attention to what they tell you. It’s a very easy thing to do but it is often overshadowed by personal thoughts or wants.

Praise Your Mate

Tell her/her that they are the best. Kiss often and comfort each other by holding each other… anywhere.

Pull Each Other Close

Just because it feels good.

Quality Not Quantity

Sometimes it’s hard to find quality time together and get to bed at a reasonable hour. What you can try to do at night is light some candles in the living room, lie down on opposite sides of the couch, and just share about your day. What a great way to relax and catch up.

Rainy Day

Dance with your honey in the middle of the street in the rain. This is what memories are made of.

Random Gifts

Everyone loves receiving gifts, especially if they’re unexpected, no matter how big or small – anything will do!

Remain Playful

There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun sometimes. It keeps us young. When was the last time you and your partner played hide and seek in your backyard?

Remember Snail Mail?

Buy (or make) a sweet and simple card. Write a sentence or two about what she means to you…just because…and MAIL it… everyone loves mail, and everyone loves sweet reminders!

Simple Pleasures

Rub your partner’s feet when she/she is really tired at the end of the day.

Special Surprises

One of the most romantic things you can do is to make your partner a special surprise. Fill the room full of candles. It’s very romantic!

Sure, you can think of many more romantic tips to show your love – this should give you some good ideas!